You shouldn’t depend on a thermostat that’s been there as long as your house. There are quite a few advantages to replacing manual thermostats. Here are five reasons to upgrade your old manual thermostat and improve your comfort in Westwego, LA:
Reduces Environmental Footprint
Upgrading your old thermostat to a modern one can offset greenhouse emissions by using sensors that naturally fluctuate during the day. Newer thermostats have technology that uses less energy overall. You can save about 15% energy when cooling and 10% when heating.
Improves Energy Efficiency
Programmable thermostats have sensitive sensors that limit the need for manual control of the temperature. The new technology of thermostats optimizes user experiences, which improves HVAC efficiency. Newer thermostats respond faster to natural temperature variations during the day.
Offers Access to Vital Data
Older manual thermostats only show the temperature of your home, and newer thermostats have the technology to show a variety of data. Your indoor air quality benefits from the additional data the newer thermostat tracks. You can see your system’s energy usage and air filter replacement date.
Lowers Energy Expenses
A newer thermostat can lower your HVAC system’s energy use by up to 10%. Smart-driven thermostats use less energy while creating more sustainable temperature levels. The upgraded technology gives you the flexibility to reduce energy use during peak hours.
IoT Convenience
Many appliances connect to the smart Internet of Things in modern homes. The technology is more automatic and uses less energy throughout the day. You can adjust an upgraded thermostat that connects to the Internet of Things with a smartphone app.
With the app, you can control your thermostat from anywhere with your smartphone. An example of using remote thermostats is turning your AC system on while driving home from work. If you forget to turn your system down or off and you’re not home, you can use your smartphone to do it.
Another reason to upgrade an old thermostat is a newer model can future-proof your home. A new thermostat can connect to other devices and adapt easier to new technology. If you need HVAC services in Westwego, LA, call Siener Air to schedule an appointment today.
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