It’s no secret that New Orleans, Louisiana, has a unique charm that’s a magnet for both locals and visitors. The city’s position at the mouth of the Mississippi River and its location between the two largest markets in the south make it the perfect place for a business opportunity. If you’re a small business owner in New Orleans, you know your product or service is only as good as your employees. Here are four ways to improve employee morale and boost your business:

Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Working long hours and late nights is stressful for your employees. Eventually, they will start to resent you and their productivity will decrease. Promoting a healthy work-life balance helps employees feel cared about, and they will appreciate not missing time at home with their loved ones. High turnover is costly for a business. Make simple rules that promote a healthy work-life balance. For example, you can implement a no email policy between 6 P.M. and 6 A.M.

Surprise Your Employees With Gifts

Whether it’s a free lunch or an unexpected bonus, employees love surprises. Show your appreciation by surprising your employees with gifts from time to time. A gift certificate to the spa can also help promote healthy work-life balance.

Conduct Stay Interviews and Consider Employee Feedback

You should care about what your employees think about your company. Talk with employees and gauge how they feel. Ask them what keeps them there and what they would change. As a result, you’ll get ideas on how to improve employee morale.

Maintain Comfort With Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Your employees spend more time at your business than in their home. If they feel uncomfortable while working, they will become frustrated. As a result, their productivity will decrease. Make sure your commercial HVAC system provides the comfort your employees deserve by scheduling seasonal maintenance checks. A fully functioning system will:

  • Keep employees comfortable.
  • Not waste energy and drive up energy costs.
  • Not break down as often and require expensive repairs.
  • Last as long as its intended life cycle.

Boost your business today by contacting Siener Air to schedule your next commercial HVAC maintenance service. You can reach us at 504-224-8839.

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